Darknet & Law

Darknet & Law

Darknet & Law

Darknet or Dark Web is a concrete reality today, a new paradigm which promises to irreversibly change the game of the Internet. Darknet brings alongwith it various complicated legal, policy and regulatory challenges. Lot of these legal challenges are beginning to emerge, at the time of writing.

This eBook “Darknet and Law” seeks to understand, dissect and analyze the various complex legal, policy and regulatory nuances that Darknet or Dark Web brings forward in today’s context. These compelling legalities and connected nuances require appropriate responses by relevant stakeholders. Darknet Law is an emerging jurisprudential subject which is likely to comprehensively develop in the coming few years.

This eBook should be of value to all stakeholders who are connected or associated with Darknet or who want to learn about the complex legalities and nuances pertaining to Darknet or Dark Web.

For more about the Book- http://goo.gl/bGTg36